Single Lady Estates®

Single Lady Estates®

Empowering Women's Home-Buying Decisions with Bobbie Wasserman

October 05, 2022
Bobbie Wasserman

In the final episode for season one of the Single Lady Estates podcast, Bobbie Wasserman highlights the big takeaways from each of the featured guests.

The goal of the inaugural season was to provide useful information to empower women throughout the entire home ownership lifecycle, buying, selling, and life in between.

To set the foundation for the show, we interviewed Mary Buffet, an award-winning author and value investor. She shared investment confidence and encouraged women to “learn the language of investing.” We invite you to listen to our Women and Investment series with Mary:

We also heard from Ottawa-based attorney Victoria Asikis who offered a fascinating view on millennial women taking charge of their financial life.

To discover how single women approach home ownership differently than single men or couples we heard from Realtors, Jessica Maroto Sanchez and Maxine Monina.

We invite you to listen to the Women and Real Estate Series:

Home safety is of primary concern for all homeowners, but especially for women. We heard from LAPD Sr. Lead Officer, Sean Dinse who encouraged homeowners to get to know their local safety officers and their neighbors.

We thank you for subscribing to the podcast and being a part of the Single Lady Estates Community. We are your advisory and advocacy community with a mission to serve and celebrate women homeowners. Welcome, and welcome home

The second season of the Single Lady Estates podcast launches in November 2022.

Bobbie Wasserman is the founder of Single Lady Estates® and host of the Single Lady Estates podcast. To learn more about the advisory and advocacy organization for women homeowners we invite you to subscribe to the podcast and become a member of the Single Lady Estates community.
