Single Lady Estates®

Single Lady Estates®

Millennial Women and Home Ownership with Victoria Asikis

June 08, 2022
Victoria Asikis, Associate at Gowling WLG photo

In this episode of the Single Lady Estates® podcast, our focus is on millennial women and home ownership.

In the United States the Equal Opportunity Credit Act (which became law in 1974) was the beginning of financial independence for women. One generation later we see women coming of age financially. A great example of this societal shift are millennial women. They are independent, financially savvy, and boldly exercise choice when it comes to their financial decisions.

Millennial Women are a financially savvy independent force charting their own course.

To speak to both the personal and professional aspects of home buying, career, relationships, and quality of life, we are pleased to have business attorney, Victoria Asikis join the show. She is an Associate at the Ottawa offices of Gowling WLG, an international law firm in Canada.

Victoria has great insight and offered these words of wisdom to our Single Lady Estates community,

“Homeownership and fierce independence as a women, whether you’re single or entering a relationship or married, should be something to be proud of…It is okay to think for yourself and build the life you want.”

Our Canadian Single Lady Estates community members can contact Victoria Asikis directly at Gowling WLG.

Bobbie Wasserman is the founder of Single Lady Estates® and host of the Single Lady Estates podcast. To learn more about the advisory and advocacy organization for women homeowners we invite you to subscribe to the podcast and become a member of the Single Lady Estates community.
