Single Lady Estates®

Single Lady Estates®

The Story Behind Single Lady Estates

March 04, 2022
On the first episode of the Single Lady Estates®, host and founder Bobbie Wasserman shares the homeownership story which inspired the Single Lady Estates community and podcast.
So, what exactly is Single Lady Estates?

Single Lady Estates is an advisory and advocacy community for women homeowners. 

Actually, Single Lady Estates is the first advisory and advocacy community for women homeowners. 

There is no organization like the Single Lady Estates. 

Our mission

To serve and celebrate – women homeowners – by providing information and resources to fully empower your home decisions – throughout the entire homeownership lifecycle: buying, owning and selling.

If you are a single woman or, when it comes to real estate and home issues, you feel like you are come be part of our community. Subscribe to the Single Lady Estates show, wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to learn more and get connected.
