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Since Right Now

3.13: Annie McCullough / Advocate

October 12, 2016

“I grew up in an alcoholic home so I knew what alcoholism was but I didn't ever talk about it. So I lived in denial for 23 years."

Advocate Annie McCullough is a maven of reinvention with a serious social conscience. Drawing on her previous roles at Dell, Orchard Recovery Centre and Edgewood Health Network, Annie combines her background in project and event management with her passion for recovery. She was instrumental in developing Recovery Day in Canada, which continues its reach - growing from 2 cities in 2012 to 30 cities in 2016. As co-founder of Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR) Canada, Annie has worked tirelessly to empower the recovery community at a grass roots level. She also serves on the National Recovery Advisory Committee, promoting awareness of recovery from addiction, based on evidence from research and experience in the recovery movement. As a person with lived experience, she inspires others with her energy and enthusiasm, embodying hope for those who struggle with addiction.


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