Simplify Complexity: Christian Relationship Advice & Help

Being Honest about Your Relationship Mistakes
A mistake can be intentional or unintentional but the key is, it’s wrong. It is a form of behavior that is either dishonest, unjust, or immoral and often violates another. In life and in relationships we make mistakes, the question is, what is our response once we commit them. For some, the urge is to ignore their wrongdoings, make excuses, or even worse blaming others. This is a form of self-deception and will lead to someone repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over again.
Recently in an interview Shaquille O’Neal spoke candidly about his past marriage and specifically his mistakes. In the interview he was given the opportunity to gloss over the roll he played in the breakdown and eventual divorce of his marriage. Rather than ignoring his error, he boldly corrected the interviewer and shared his relationship mistakes that led to the eventual demise of his marriage. This showed a maturity and a willingness to grow and be better.
It is our ability to be honest with God, ourselves, and with others that helps us find healing from our past errors. How do we get there? How do we gain this form of self honesty, and avoid repeated headaches. If you desire to live a blessed life and maintain healthy relationships this is one episode you won’t want to miss.
Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald
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