Simplify Complexity: Christian Relationship Advice & Help

Not ALL Woman are Gold Diggers
Why is it when a woman chooses a man that is deemed undesirable by the world, people attack her character, assuming there’s an ulterior motive? As if her motives can’t be pure driven from the heart and wisdom. Recently on a podcast Channing Crowder attacked the character of Ciara and Russell Wilson. In his podcast Channing proclaimed that the only reason Ciara is with Russell Wilson is because of his money. In summary Channing felt Ciara’s EX rapper Future was a better catch, and that Russell Wilson was a square. Sadly, Channing contributed to the insinuating idea women are only with nice guys (i.e. a square) for their money. We are here to proclaim that not all woman are gold diggers.
A “Gold Digger” is slang that refers to a person who engages in a relationship for money rather than love.
In this episode, we discuss how insulting it is to label women as Gold diggers, because they choose a man others characterize as less appealing. We also discuss how sad it is that we try to put a negative cloud over the NICE GUY. I.E. those who desire to be good man, clean cut, and not run the streets. Men who desire to be law abiding cities and take care of their children and family. This is a great episode that will challenge your perspective and encourage you before you label others, or allow others to label you.
Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald
Photo Copyright by sifotography 123rd Photos
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