Simplify Complexity: Christian Relationship Advice & Help

Learning From VS Judging Will Smith’s Out-of-Control Behavior
In life we all have moments or things where we are urged to loose control. This could be something common such as an act of cutting someone off in a moment of road rage, or it could be something uncommon such as a violent attack upon a cheating spouse. In the case of Will Smith, it was going on stage at the Oscars and hitting Chris Rock. The point is out-of-control behavior is something we all must be on guard against.
Learn from vs Judge from
It’s easy on the outside to look at another persons negative behavior and be self-righteous, but Jesus reminds us to be careful when casting stones. We are not better than other people. We all need grace. When approaching other people’s sin in judgment, we should always consider how we’ve also sinned.
In no way shape or form do we want to condone Will Smith’s out-of-control behavior.
As everyone is hyper analyzing Will Smith’s behavior, we must all recognize that we too have the ability to lose control. Although it may look different sometimes for the better or for the worse, these moments give us an opportunity to reflect on how do we avoid falling into the same trap of lost control. Possibly destroying your marriage, your relationships, your children, and your future.
In this podcast episode we’ll take a look at how we are all susceptible to out-of-control behavior. We will examine things we can learn and most importantly what are things that we can do to prevent out of control behavior in our own lives.
Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace and Keonte McDonald
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