Simplify Complexity: Christian Relationship Advice & Help

“New Year” Single Goals
Finding happiness and contentment in singleness is not an accident. Just as having a happy marriage isn’t. Obtaining success in life requires you to take action. God tells us that one reaps what they sow. If you are purposeful in your choices as a single man or woman then you will reap the benefits. Our challenge for you as you step into the new year is give yourself single goals.
Goals aren’t just for those in relationships
Many have heard of couples having relationship goals, but often we leave out goals for those who are single. As a single man or woman, it’s just as important to give yourself goals as you strive to achieve success in your singleness. Otherwise you’re just aimlessly living day today hoping happiness finds you. In this podcast episode we share some great New Year single goals that will help you obtain success in 2022.
Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald
Register for our Free “New Year” Dating Realignment Webinar February 10, 2020
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