Signum Symposia

Signum Symposia

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Mythmoot V: 05 - JRR Tolkien's Guidelines for Translation and Sir Orfeo
July 25, 2018

A translator is not free: J. R. R. Tolkien’s Guidelines for Translation and Their Application in Sir Orfeo Curtis Weyant While bemoaning his struggles with translating the Middle English poem “Pearl,” Tolkien declared to his aunt, Jane Neave, that

Mythmoot V: 06 - Narrative Functions of Sickness in Egils Saga Skallagrimssonar and Laxdaela Saga
July 13, 2018

Getting Sick of It: Narrative Functions of Sickness in Egils Saga Skallagrímssonar and Laxdæla Saga Laura Lee Smith Many characters die in the course of Egils Saga Skallagrímssonar and Laxdæla Saga, most from battle wounds or homicide, and some from

Mythmoot V: 07 - Crossing Frontiers from the Home front to the Battlefront
July 13, 2018

The Bitter Watches of the Night: From Anne Elliot to Éowyn of Rohan—Crossing Frontiers from the Home front to the Battlefront Jennifer Ewing J. R. R. Tolkien is often accused of either not having enough female characters, or that those present are no

Mythmoot V: 04 - The composite authorship of Andreas
July 12, 2018

The composite authorship of Andreas David Maddock The Old English poem “Andreas” has long been a source of controversy in the Anglo-Saxon scholarly community. Although it bears no runic signature, scholars have noted significant stylistic similari

Mythmoot V: 03 - The Postmodern Kaleidoscope of London Below in Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere
July 12, 2018

The Postmodern Kaleidoscope of London Below in Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere Chris Yokel In Neil Gaiman’s first novel Neverwhere, an ordinary Londoner named Richard Mayhew is ushered into the fantastical underworld of London Below when he helps the myste

Mythmoot V: 02 - Tolkien’s Crossing of Revisionary Boundaries
July 12, 2018

Tolkien’s Crossing of Revisionary Boundaries Chris Gavaler and Nathaniel Goldberg Some novelists revise their stories by restarting them. Others revise by revealing new things about them. Still others revise simply by continuing them. All of these