The Russell Moore Show

The Russell Moore Show

Latest Episodes

Questions and Ethics: What is the biggest threat to religious liberty today?
April 11, 2014

  -   - Cake-bakers, photographers and the HHS mandate: Russell Moore discusses these assaults on religious liberty and why faithful Christians should be engaged. Read the full transcript here.

Questions and Ethics: World Vision’s change of course
April 09, 2014

  -   - Russell Moore addresses biblical accountability for Christian ministries in light of World Vision's change of course. Read the full transcript here.

Questions and Ethics: Who were the Nephilim from the Noah movie?
April 04, 2014

  -   - Who were the Nephilim described in Genesis 6? Were they rock monsters as portrayed in the Noah movie? Russell Moore discusses the movie and how the story of Noah can provoke important discussions about God and salvation.

Questions and Ethics: Addressing cultural issues from the pulpit
April 02, 2014

  -   - Should the text drive the message? Should cultural events shape the sermon? Russell Moore talks to pastors about preaching on ethical issues from the pulpit. Read the full transcript here.

Questions & Ethics: We haven’t consummated our marriage.
March 28, 2014

  -   - Russell Moore counsels a woman who has been married 8 months, but has yet to consummate their marriage. Moore shares ways a pastor should approach this, as well as the importance of sex within marriage. Read the full transcript here.

Questions & Ethics: How should we approach Matthew 18 discipline?
March 21, 2014

  -   -   -   - Russell Moore advises a pastor on Matthew 18 discipline. Read the full transcript here.

Questions & Ethics: Pro-life and for Capital Punishment?
March 19, 2014

  - Russell Moore shares what the Bible says about capital punishment. Read the full transcript here.

Questions & Ethics: Should Singles Adopt?
March 14, 2014

  - Russell Moore answers a difficult question: Is it wise for singles to adopt? Read the transcript here. -  

Questions & Ethics: Should churches manipulate for spontaneous baptisms?
February 25, 2014

Russell Moore answers the questions: Are spontaneous baptisms good for the Church? A church recently made the news for their guidelines for spontaneous baptisms. How should pastors and church leaders think through this issue?

Questions & Ethics: Should Christians bake wedding cakes for weddings about which they disagree?
February 21, 2014

  - Russell Moore addresses the question: Should Christians bake wedding cakes for weddings about which they disagree? When is the right time to object and when is the time to humbly serve in Christ's name?