Sightedmoon Podcasts

Sightedmoon Podcasts

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Following the Cloud-Barley Report 2017 - Sightedmoon Podcasts
February 25, 2017

What does it mean to follow the cloud? Israel did it when they came out of Egypt. How do we do this today? It is done by watching for the barley and by watching for the crescent moon. Is this year an Adar Bet year? Do we add a 13th month to this year?

First Podcast-Franklin Graham Protest - Sightedmoon Podcasts
February 24, 2017

This is our first podcast. The 12th month of the year 5852. We are going to make some mistakes and we are learning new things with each one. Just getting to this stage has been an adventure. In this podcast I tell you a bit about my history and how we ...

President Trump & Baal Peor in Bible Prophecy - Sightedmoon Podcasts
February 21, 2017

How is President Donald Trump and Baal Peor related through Bible Prophesy? Why is this so important? What does Brexit and the Paris Treaty got to do with Trump calling for the US to leave the UN and NATO.  World events are happening according to bible...

Protected: Private Invite – SMPC001
February 20, 2017

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