Sightedmoon Podcasts

Burundi Interview with Bishop Telesphore
At the end of 6 day long weekend in Burundi Africa from August 30 until Sept 4, 2017, we grabbed Bishop Telesphore and his lead Pastor Daimond and sat them down to talk with us so we could share it with you. Telesphore is on the phone and on the go constantly taking this message of the Sabbath, the Holy Days and the Sabbatical year to every church and congregation across Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda and DRC the Congo, sharing with them all, no matter what denomination they are.
We taught them about the number 666 and how it is the mark of Satan. To know what this mark is you have to know what the mark of Yehovah is. Yehovah's mark is the Sabbath the Holy Days and the Sabbatical year. Once people saw this they then realized that Sunday was not the Sabbath and was the mark of Satan.
We wanted to have him in his own words describe to you the events of this weekend and what has happened and I also wanted you to hear from him about the UN and what they are doing in Burundi, the poorest nation on earth. As you hear this, keep in mind the great Whore of Revelation who is to rule the world in the last days just before the Messiah comes. Yes we are that close. Listen closely as Telesphore describes the
Listen closely as Telesphore describes the events around the LGBT and the President of Burundi and the UN. This is so revealing. Again keep in mind the Great Whore of revelation.
I do hope you will continue to support our work that we are doing in Burundi as well as the Philippines and North America. We cannot do it without you and the prayers of the righteous do avail much. Please never stop praying for Yehovah to open that next door and to help us fill the ones He has now opened to us.