

The Levys of Monticello

January 11, 2023

Most people don’t know that a Jewish family owned Monticello for 89 years (after Jefferson’s death). Director Steven Pressman is bringing his doc to this year’s Israeli & Jewish Film Festival (Jan 19 – 29 at the WJCC and several other venues). Before he comes to town, Steven and I talked about:

– Transitioning from being a print journalist

– The 2 docs he’s directed about the Holocaust

– How he found this film’s subject right in front of him

– The conflicts of religious freedom and slavery

– What happened to the Levy’s furniture

– How he got Peter Riegert to do voiceover

The Israeli & Jewish Film Festival
Pressman’s production company

50 Children (HBO Max)
50 Children (Amazon rental)

Holy Silence (PBS)
Holy Silence (Amazon rental)

James River Film Festival Shorts Showcase

George & Tammy
Slow Horses (my review of Season 1)