

Meet 2 directors showing at RIFF (podcast)

May 25, 2022

This is the SIFTER for the Ear that revolves around the Richmond International Film Festival (RIFF). It spotlights 2 of the narrative features that will be showing.

Princess: Swiss director Peter Luisi talks about:

– His education in the US

– The inspiration for Princess

– Shooting in Ukraine

– The 4-year-old actor who plays Nina

Esme, My Love: Director Cory Choy discusses:

– His background in sound

– The inspirations for the film, including the farm where it was shot

– The all female cast and mostly female crew

– The challenges of shooting it in the woods with a child

Sat. 6/11, 4:15 at Movieland

Esme, My Love
Sat. 6/11, 6:15 at Movieland

Richmond International Film Festival