

Meet the screenwriter of 3 Spike Lee films (podcast)

March 23, 2022

Kevin Wilmott is best known as the screenwriter for Spike Lee’s Chi Raq, Da 5 Bloods and BlackkKlansman (for which he shared an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay). He also wrote and directed C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America, a satirical documentary that imagines our country if the South had won and slavery was still legal.

We’ll talk about:

– How he got into film

– How Monument Avenue reflects the nation

– Virginia’s historical part in his doc

– Working with Spike Lee

– Insights into the 4 movies listed above

– The screenplay he’s written about Arthur Ashe

Kevin will be in town on April 3 for this year’s James River Film Festival (March 31 – April 3):
C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America at 1:30pm
BlackkKlansman at 4 & 7pm