

He slips his brass duck in the shows he works

September 13, 2023

Dennis Madigan has made his career working in the Art Department for numerous movies and TV series. Since many of them were shot in Philadelphia where he lives, it includes almost all of the shows by M. Night Shyamalan. He talks about the brass prop that he slips into their sets and more fun stories about working in the industry, including:

– Being a drummer in Single Bullet Theory

– Working with M. Night Shyamalan

– Placing his mom’s brass ducks on the sets

– Filling a drawer for Robert De Niro

– Martin Scorsese’s crew broke a tusk

– Ridley Scott shooting with 7 cameras

Keep It Tight (SBT’s first music video shot at the former Byrd Hotel)
Hang on to Your Heart (SBT’s 2nd video shot at the Empire Theatre)
Dennis IBMB page