

Adding to her already impressive resume

August 09, 2023

Daphne Maxwell Reid is an actor best known for playing Aunt Vivian on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but she’s been in numerous other films and TV shows, including several with her husband Tim Reid. They’ve been living in Virginia for many years, continuing to act and produce. Just recently, Daphne started sharing hosting duties on Virginia This Morning on CBS-6. We discuss:

– With degrees in Science & Architecture how she ended up acting

– Working with Tim on Simon and Simon, Frank’s Place & Snoops

How they met and why they moved to Virginia

– Impressions of Will Smith while working on Fresh Prince

Starting and selling New Millennium Studios

– The fun of her new gig on CBS-6

– Selling her door photos on posters and cards

– Designing her own clothing line

Daphne’s website
Daphne’s IMDB
Virginia This Morning on CBS 6