Content and Conversation: SEO Tips from Siege Media

Content and Conversation: SEO Tips from Siege Media

The State of Digital PR in 2021

February 11, 2021

Digital PR has been around for more than a decade. So why is it trending now?

It’s 2021 and our social media feeds can’t stop talking about Digital PR and GameStop. Yet, it’s for a good reason. Whether it be brand identity’s rise in Google ranking factors or the competition of viral content, it’s impossible to ignore the draw to digital PR.

In today’s episode of Content & Conversation, Ross Hudgens and Director of Digital PR, Vince Nero, discuss the current state of digital PR, what mistakes to avoid, and how to best incorporate it into your content marketing strategy.

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Show Notes:

00:34: Welcome back, Vince! Siege Media’s Director of Digital PR
00:40: GameStop stocks and how to manipulate the stock market
1:20: What is digital PR?
2:57: Why is “digital PR” trending?
4:37: The differences between digital PR, SEO and link building
6:01: Viral content vs. brand identity
6:28: What are the biggest digital PR mistakes?
7:40: What “going viral” means in different industries
8:49: How Siege Media combines content marketing and PR
9:37: Industries where digital PR is optimal
10:27: Calculating link value by website
11:57: Dangers of scraper sites in link reporting
14:27: The legitimacy of viral content
16:50: Going viral within your niche audience
17:44: Is this a strategy or one-off?

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