Sick Individuals / Sick Populations

Latest Episodes
DK3. “What is Population Health?” with David Kindig
Podcast #3 What is Population Health? - Dave discusses the evolution of his definition of population health to his most cited 2003 paper and clarifies ongoing confusion with the terms public health
DK2. “The Story Behind the Book – Purchasing Population Health” with David Kindig
Podcast #2 The Story Behind the Book Purchasing Population Health - Evans and Stoddart 1990 Field Model - Used with permissionEvans RG, Stoddart GL. 1990. Producing Health, Consuming Health Care. Soc
DK1. “Once Upon A Time” with David Kindig
Population Health: the Unfinished Journey with David Kindig Episode 1: Once Upon A Time - Dave discusses his South Bronx roots of seeing "health" vs only healthcare, and how an unfavorable, chance enc
2.16 Population Health + Epidemiology Counts or Conceptual Clarity Related to the Field of Population Health
What exactly is epidemiology and how is it different from population health? Why do sub-fields like social epidemiology exist? In this crossover episode, which we realize must sound like a nerdy jam s
2.15 Meet our Hosts Special Episode Part III: Mike Esposito
Closing off our Meet our Hosts series were joined by Mike Esposito, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Washington University in St Louis. Join us as we learn about his path from Missouri-to-Seattl
2.14 Meet our Hosts Special Episode Part II: Aresha Martinez
We continue our “Meet our Hosts” series with co-host Aresha Martinez-Cardoso, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health Science at the University of Chicago. Aresha gives us insight in
2.13 Meet our Hosts Special Episode Part I: Darrell Hudson
This episode kicks of our “Meet Our Host” series where we interview our fellow co-host to share more about their work, life, and passion for population health. To kick us off we’re joined by Darrell H
2.12 Food for Thought with Epi Superstar Lisa Bodnar
Nutrition is critical in the production of health and health inequities across the lifecourse and in utero. We were fortunate to have Epidemiology Superstar Lisa Bodnar, Professor of Epidemiology at t
2.11 The DEI Boom 2-years Later with Dr. Courtney McCluney
Across the country, workers have become increasingly disengaged and dissatisfied with their work, searching for other job opportunities or a break from work altogether in what economists are calling
2.9 Reproductive Justice Post Roe
In 2021 state-based abortion restrictions swelled across the country and a powerful challenge to Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court decision that protects a pregnant person's right to choose to have an abo