Sick Individuals / Sick Populations

Sick Individuals / Sick Populations

DK9. “Looking Ahead in an Unfinished Journey” with David Kindig

November 24, 2022

Podcast #9

Looking Ahead in an Unfinished Journey


  1. Kindig DA. 2015. Can There Be Political Common Ground for Improving Population Health? Milbank Q 93(1):24–27.
  2. Kindig DA. 2007. Understanding Population Health Terminology. Milbank Q 85(1):139-161.
  3. Kindig D, Nobles J, Zidan M. 2018. Meeting the Institute of Medicine’s 2030 US Life Expectancy Target. Am J Public Health108(1):87-92.
  4. McCullough JM, Speer M, Magnan S, Fielding JE, Kindig D, Teutsch SM. 2020. Reduction in US Health Care Spending Required to Meet the Institute of Medicine’s 2030 Target. Am J Public Health 110(12):1735-1740.
  5. Hughes-Cromwick P, Kindig D, Magnan S, Gourevitch M, Teutsch 2021. The Reallocationists Versus the Direct Allocationists. Health Affairs Forefront. August 6.
  6. Kindig D. 2022. The Promise of Population Health: A Scenario for the Next Two Decades. NAM Perspectives. Commentary, National Academy of Medicine. Washington, DC.
  7. Kindig D. 2020. A Population Health Boot Camp.
  8. Wagstaff A. 2002. Inequality aversion, health inequalities and health achievement. J Health Econ 21(4):627–41.