Sick Individuals / Sick Populations

Sick Individuals / Sick Populations

DK8. “Population Health Equity: Crucial and Complicated” with David Kindig

November 17, 2022

Podcast #8
Population Health Equity: Crucial and Complicated

Sanne asks Dave why a paper he worked on for three years “Thinking Clearly, Speaking Frankly about Health Equity” was never published…and whether the many complications of population health equity can detract from crucial action.

****Attach the Unpublished Draft Kindig Paper “Thinking Clearly and Speaking Frankly about Health Equity: Good and Fair Population Health”


  1. Asada Y, Whipp A, Kindig D, Billard B, Rudolph B. 2014. Inequalities in Multiple Health Outcomes by Education, Sex, and Race in 93 US Counties: Why We Should Measure Them All. Int J Equity Health 13:47.
  2. Kindig D, Lardinois N, Chatterjee D. 2016. Can States Simultaneously Improve Health Outcomes and Reduce Health Outcome Disparities? Prev Chronic Dis 13:160126.
  3. Kindig D, Lardinois N, Asada Y, Mullahy J. 2018. Considering Mean and Inequality Health Outcomes Together: the Population Health Performance Index. Int J Equity Health 17:25. DOI 10.1186/s12939-018-0731-2.
  4. Givens ML, Kindig D, Inzeo PT, Faust V. 2018. Power: The Most Fundamental Cause of Health Inequity? Health Affairs Blog Feb 1.
  5. Gundersen G, Pray L. 2009. Leading causes of life: five fundamentals to change the way you live your life. Abingdon Press, Nashville Tennessee.