Sick Individuals / Sick Populations

Sick Individuals / Sick Populations

DK4. “The Lonely Years” with David Kindig

October 20, 2022

Podcast #4
The Lonely Years

Sanne encourages Dave to explain why he describes this period of slow up-take as “lonely,” despite several major presentations, and how a rejected paper returned to prominence.


  1. Kindig DA. 1999. Beyond Health Services Research (Association for Health Services Research (AHSR) Presidential Speech). Health Services Research 34(1):205-214.
  2. Kindig DA. 2006. A Pay-for-Population Health Performance System. JAMA 296(21):2611-2613.
  3. Kindig DA. 2007. Understanding Population Health Terminology. Milbank Q 85(1):139-161.