Shut Up I Love It

Shut Up I Love It

EP 37 - OCD with Melissa Heiman

March 17, 2020

Actor/performer Melissa Heiman works on "Team Al," as in Al Pacino -- she recently rehearsed with him for Amazon's hit TV show HUNTERS. We sit down to discuss obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is by no means a laughing matter and can be a debilitating illness. However, Melissa finds *some* aspects of *her* OCD beneficial -- especially during the current COVID-19 outbreak. Melissa shares her experience with hypnotherapy, and we talk about our inexplicable obsessions, including looking for an intruder under the bed, walking around the house on tiptoes and organizing phone apps by color.

At the end, we recommend the film Brahms: The Boy II, the TV show MR. PICKLES and Simply Cheetos.

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