Shut up a Second

Shut up a Second


January 06, 2016

In which our heroes reach for their Aeroguard, scratch their bites, throw rocks at beehives and discuss the world of pests. We work out how big a monitor lizard mousetrap would need to be, if a lobster swarm is more a blessing than a curse and the correct procedure for scarabs under your pillow. Jackson wants to know what the worst pest infestation would be, Aaron is quite taken with the notion of an army of tiny versions of himself and Zammit just wants to hide under the fridge when the lights come on unexpectedly. So join the gang as they set some traps, avoid hitting kangaroos and make continuous references to that Brendan Fraser smash hit film involving a Mummy. It’s informative, itchy and bound to be expensive to get rid of. But you knew that when you moved in.
Want to help us with our infestation problems? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, you can help make a difference in the quality of butter we eat with our lobsters.
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