Shut up a Second
In which our heroes get equilateral, isosceles, and also scalene as they discuss triangles. We sort out how new age toasters work, teach school kids maths, and find triangles in the room. Jackson wants to be buried in a pyramid, Zoe thinks that triangles are the least useful shape and Duscher is just grateful that he wasn’t around when wooly mammoths were around. So join the gang as they triangulate the position of a triathlon in it's third trimester and get lost forever in the Bermuda Triangle. Triangles! What a time!
Want to help with Jackson’s burial requests? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, you can help make a difference in making him a mummy.
Want to come see just how handsome we really are? Well now’s your chance as we’re doing another live show on the 10th of December. Just head to for more information and to book your ticket now!
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And don’t forget to get your free audible book download and a 30 day free trial at there’s probably at least two books about alternative ways to measure angles.