Shut up a Second
Cheesy Action Movies
In which our heroes brace for impact, work on their catch phrases, fail to do cool-guy walks away from explosions and discuss cheesy action movies. We look at Whoopi Goldberg’s secret history with dinosaurs cops, the best 80s theme song and why anyone would use a hang-glider as a getaway vehicle. Jackson wants to know why bus drivers in real life never look like Sandra Bullock, Zoe ponders how effective segways would be in a chase sequence and special guest Nick Capper just wants a therapy sheep. So join the gang as they try desperately to reload their weapons in slow motion and refuse to work with anyone but Marlon Brando or the best chimp alternative. It’s loud, filled with cliches and you can bet there’ll be at least one montage.

If you're a local you can see more of Nick Capper at 10.45pm every Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival at the Portland Hotel or find him @capperflapper on twitter.
Want to help us rebuild the studio after that sweet explosion that was completely unnecessary to the plot? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, you can help make a difference in the quality where we record.
And don’t forget to get your free audible book download and a 30 day free trial at there’s probably at least eight autobiographies dealing with highly sought after chimp actors that were inevitably replaced by Marlon Brando.