Shut up a Second

Shut up a Second

Wagons (Feat. Adam)

August 24, 2016

In which our heroes have four wheels, are painted red, and have a metal handle as we discuss wagons. We all do silly voices, talk premie babies, and read out a URL. Duscher steals the sun, Adam acts as a bridge between friends, Zoe explains a rickshaw as like a backpack for a baby but for an adult, and Jackson just wants to know why he can't pick himself up. So try to remember the difference between a cart and a wagon, figure out that maybe there isn't one, and just try and imagine the specific wagon were all talking about in this episode. No one knows what a wagon is.

Want to help jackson finally finish his rickshaw? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, you can help him build it.

In Sydney and want to see the Plumbing Boys live? You can purchase your tickets right here

And don’t forget to purchase your copy of Plumbing the Death Star Vol. 1 right now available at