Shut up a Second

Shut up a Second

Shoes (Feat. Sonia Di Iorio)

March 02, 2016

In which our heroes go out for a night on the town and can’t decide between high-heels, sneakers and our much beloved crocs as they discuss shoes. We work out why shoes don’t make sounds, reinvent rollerblades and discover pocket socks. Jackson thinks socks aren’t that clever of an idea, Duscher wants all shoes to be platform shoes and Sonia just looks like an idiot for her high school years. So join the gang as they learn to tie their shoelaces. It’s a lot harder than it looks and involves many overcomplicated and unnecessary knots. 
Want to help reinvent the shoe? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, you can help make a difference in something that is probably good enough as is. 
Want to some books to explain the birds and the bees? Head to and enter for your chance to win!