Shut up a Second

Shut up a Second

Babies (Feat. Ben Ludekens)

January 27, 2016

In which our heroes regress back to eating all their food through the time honoured airplane method, shake brightly coloured rattles and automatically look adorable in tiny outfits while we discuss babies. We unwillingly keep an accidental dead baby tally, the effectiveness of baby spies and question why wolves think it’s a good idea to raise a small human. Ben teaches us how babies can hone in on frequencies like robots, Marley is trying to get babies jobs as accountants and Jackson just wants to know the cutest animals in baby form. So join the gang as they delve head first into dirty nappies, bottles and dummies. It’s somewhere between gross and adorable, just like real, actual babies. They’re gross. But I want one.
Want to help advocate for babies to get jobs? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, you can help make a difference in allowing babies to do your taxes. 
Hankering for some sweet geeky loot every month? Do us a favour and go to and sign up to receive your (possible) Hungry Hungry Hippo today!
In Melbourne on the 18th of February? Come see us live at the Eureka Hotel in Richmond. Doors open at 6:30, we start talking at 7!