Shut Up and Ride Motorcycle Podcast

Shut Up and Ride Motorcycle Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 9; Habal Habal
September 05, 2019

Philippine trip behind me. Amazed at how important motorcycles are in that country. They are necessary compared to America considered non-essential. This episode doubles as the inspired to ride segment.

Episode 8; Talkn Brap
August 01, 2019

In this episode I ramble on about a couple motorcycle things and more gush about a new podcast to my ears brap talk.

Episode 7 What is your ride worth?
July 16, 2019

As motorcyclists we find ourselves in a unique quandary of existence to define value in our rides when pitted against the manufacturers, the used Market, and our emotional attachments. How do we quantify the value of our rides? Shut Up and Ride Website

Delay of game
June 28, 2019

Shut Up and Ride Website Produced by RDub Studios Opening and closing music is used under license and provided by Anthony Regan / Pond5

10000hrs of the Beatles
June 05, 2019

Don't know how I crammed 10000hrs of Beatles into 30minutes. Maybe there's another meaning. A life truth perhaps.

April 25, 2019

I've grown up exposed to much of the beauty and wonder of motorcycling and the same beauties and wonders of its people's. Unfortunately this means Ive also seen more than what I want to admit of the ugliness that exists with those people. From bot

Episode 4; Get away from me!
March 20, 2019

They descend Upon Us blocking our path moving from left to right scarier still they come up from behind they have us surrounded! These turkeys try to keep us down! Well I refuse! From that rebelion is born this episode hopefully open a door to a trucker&#

Crash and Learn
February 25, 2019

There's a major difference between being IN a scenario and FROM ascenario. It's always a great time whenever we can be IN the moment of riding our iron horses..... but what are those moments we should effort away FROM? What truly is our best tool

Episode 2: S.U.R.
February 23, 2019

Just trying to establish the line in the sand in witch I mixed the portland and added water. Throttle still stuck wide open on my off the cuff approach. No time for soft paw words. what needs to be said needs say'n otherwise its best to just..... Shut

Shut Up and Ride Motorcycle Podcast - Introduction
January 29, 2019

SUR Mike gives an introduction to the podcast, his goals for content, and a bit about his background.