The Shulamite Podcast

The Shulamite Podcast

Latest Episodes

Through Our Weakness – Episode #863
July 27, 2023

Weakness is negative and boasting in weaknesses as Paul did, is almost profane. Embracing weakness allows us to experience Christ's strength

Is My Shame Large or Just Loud? – Episode #862
July 09, 2023

I've made an intriguing discovery: sometimes our shame is just the loudest part not the largest part of our person. The minority or majority?

Empathy in My Shame – Episode #861
July 04, 2023

A personal reflection on the importance of empathy in overcoming shame. Having empathetic people around us helps us heal and overcoming shame.

For Me or To Me Sovereign Touch – Episode #860
June 10, 2023

Are situations happening to me or for me? The Sovereign Touch reveals that out of the most tragic situations in life God reveals His Glory.

Believing My I Am or The I AM – Episode #859
June 06, 2023

Abandoning our negative "I am" statements that create toxic shame by embracing the truth of who you really are in the Great I AM!

Dreams Versus Fantasy Discussion – Episode #858
May 28, 2023

The distinction of fantasy and dreams is profound, fantasies leaves us feeling hopeless and disconnected from the real experiences of life.

From Shame to Wholeness – Episode #857
May 23, 2023

Shame can make us feel isolated, trapped, and afraid of being exposed. Come with curiosity and compassion to find a path towards wholeness.

Shame - Signpost or Headstone – Episode #856
May 16, 2023

Shame is either a signpost or headstone. Shame is a directional marker or gravestone, receive it's assessment or use it to learn from.

Shame, Shame, Overcoming Shame – Episode #855
May 06, 2023

As I am am writing about Overcoming Shame I long to help paint a realistic picture of what shame looks like and how it affects us.

Naked and Unashamed – Episode #854
April 29, 2023

Prior to Adam and Eve's shame of nakedness, they were naked and unashamed. Their shame was more an internal truth than external reality.