The Shulamite Podcast

Latest Episodes
Through Our Weakness – Episode #863
Weakness is negative and boasting in weaknesses as Paul did, is almost profane. Embracing weakness allows us to experience Christ's strength
Is My Shame Large or Just Loud? – Episode #862
I've made an intriguing discovery: sometimes our shame is just the loudest part not the largest part of our person. The minority or majority?
Empathy in My Shame – Episode #861
A personal reflection on the importance of empathy in overcoming shame. Having empathetic people around us helps us heal and overcoming shame.
For Me or To Me Sovereign Touch – Episode #860
Are situations happening to me or for me? The Sovereign Touch reveals that out of the most tragic situations in life God reveals His Glory.
Believing My I Am or The I AM – Episode #859
Abandoning our negative "I am" statements that create toxic shame by embracing the truth of who you really are in the Great I AM!
Dreams Versus Fantasy Discussion – Episode #858
The distinction of fantasy and dreams is profound, fantasies leaves us feeling hopeless and disconnected from the real experiences of life.
From Shame to Wholeness – Episode #857
Shame can make us feel isolated, trapped, and afraid of being exposed. Come with curiosity and compassion to find a path towards wholeness.
Shame - Signpost or Headstone – Episode #856
Shame is either a signpost or headstone. Shame is a directional marker or gravestone, receive it's assessment or use it to learn from.
Shame, Shame, Overcoming Shame – Episode #855
As I am am writing about Overcoming Shame I long to help paint a realistic picture of what shame looks like and how it affects us.
Naked and Unashamed – Episode #854
Prior to Adam and Eve's shame of nakedness, they were naked and unashamed. Their shame was more an internal truth than external reality.