Shrink Tank Podcast

Shrink Tank Podcast

Analyzing ‘The Mandalorian’: How Trauma and Attachment Impact our Identity

December 20, 2019

Analyzing 'The Mandalorian': How Attachment Impacts our Identity
The Mandalorian explores how an individual's moral development — or moral code — fosters their decision making and personal identity.

The show follows lead character Mando as he puts himself in the crossfire of the Empire to protect the Baby Yoda.

In today's episode of the Shrink Tank Podcast, our panel of Shrinks discuss the psychological elements present, including classism, self-determination, and attachment.

Listen to Analyzing 'The Mandalorian': How Trauma and Attachment Impact our Identity here, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Being Human
Every week our panel of Shrinks breaks down trending topics of psychology in the news that we call Being Human.

Since The Mandalorian follows a bounty hunter’s mission, we wanted to talk about real-life bounty hunting—yes, it still exists in 2019.

In a recent article from GQ, writer Jeff Winkler got licensed as a bail enforcement agent, otherwise known as a BEA, and spent months working on-site to collect research. What he found was a mess for pretty much everyone caught up in a broken system.

The article covers how bounty hunting works, it’s variances based on state legislature, as well as his own anecdotes of his training and “missions” he’s taken on.

Our panel of Shrinks breaks down their thoughts on these findings.

You can read the study that inspired our discussion here.

Watch us on YouTube!
Great news! We're on another platform. Be sure to check out the video version of this podcast, available on our YouTube channel. You can subscribe to our channel here.

Speak your Mind!
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Need a longer session with the Shrinks? Check out our last episode here.
