Shrink Tank Podcast

Shrink Tank Podcast

Is Tom Hanks the Mister Rogers of Today’s Time?

November 22, 2019

Is Tom Hanks the Mister Rogers of Today's Time?
Tom Hanks has one of the most long-standing careers in Hollywood, yet has remained one of the kindest individuals in the industry. Tom Hanks' portrayal of Mister Rogers in It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood inspired this discussion on his psychological make up.

That said, how does Tom Hanks maintain his kindness, despite the odds against him determined through his line of work?

In today's episode of the Shrink Tank Podcast, our panel of Shrinks discuss how Tom Hanks' background, mindset, and exploration of the human condition through his acting roles inspire his behavior and personality.

Listen to 'Is Tom Hanks the Mister Rogers of Today's Time?' here, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Being Human
Every week our panel of Shrinks breaks down trending topics of psychology in the news that we call Being Human.

Since Tom Hanks is starring as the iconic Mister Rogers in the upcoming film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, we had to use this opportunity to talk about kindness.

When we decide to practice more kindness, are all types of kind acts equally rewarding?

A new study published in The Journal of Social Psychology sought to test out this question by investigating how different types of kind acts affect our happiness. The researchers split the study into four types of kindness: directing kindness towards people you’re close to, directing kindness towards people they were less close to, directing kindness towards yourself, and observing kindness of other people.

Surprisingly enough, the researchers found that kindness in any form made participants feel equally good.

Our panel of Shrinks breaks down their thoughts on these findings.

You can read the study that inspired our discussion here.

Watch us on YouTube!
Great news! We're on another platform. Be sure to check out the video version of this podcast, available on our YouTube channel. You can subscribe to our channel here.

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Need a longer session with the Shrinks? Check out our last episode here.