Shrink Tank Podcast

Shrink Tank Podcast

Ep. 119 “The Parkland Generation”

March 21, 2018

March For Our Lives is a national movement inspired by the surviving students of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that occurred one month ago in Parkland, Florida.
Today's episode discusses the impact that these surviving students of Parkland are having on our nation and their own generation. Our panel of Shrinks talk about their hopes for change, their skepticism of gun reform and the power of social media movements.

"We always name a generation–we have the Baby Boomers, Gen X, the Millennials. I think a name that could stick for this group would be the Parkland Generation. Not just because of the event, but because of what it represents. This is a tenacious group of kids who are social media savvy, connected and they don't give up."
–Dr. Dave Verhaagen


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Being Human
In our Being Human segment, the Shrink Tank Podcast panelists discusses the reason your brain is afraid of failure. In a study from The Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in London, researchers sought out to find out what pathological anxiety makes us more afraid of: a specific act of failing, or not knowing what lies ahead.

Doctor's Orders
In our Doctor's Orders segment, the Shrinks talk about products they can't get enough of.
1. Fortnite.

Got any games? Dr. Frank Gaskill recommends the newly popular video game, Fortnite. Buy it here.
2. A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo
What do you get when your family's pet bunny enters into a homosexual relationship with another bunny rabbit? Simple: You get Dr. Dave Verhaagen's recommendation for the week.



When news broke that Mike Pence would be releasing a book about his family's famed bunny rabbit, Marlon Brando, John Oliver did what anyone would do: write a parody book in response. A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo is John Oliver's edgy response, shedding light on the VP's unsupportive nature regarding the LGBTQ+ community. Snag your copy here.
3. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg


Everybody has bad habits. No brainer there. But let's focus on the good! Dr. Emma Kate Wright recommends The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg to learn how to foster new positive habits into your daily routine.


Go on, improve yo' self.

Speak your Mind!
Let us hear you! Your input could even be featured on the next episode of the Shrink Tank Podcast. Comment below or send us your thoughts to
Need a longer session with the Shrinks? Check out our last episode here.