Shrink Tank Podcast

Shrink Tank Podcast

Ep. 118 Psychology of Chris Rock

March 15, 2018

While Chris Rock is widely known for pushing the comedic envelope, today's podcast discusses if his latest Netflix special, Tamborine, is on-brand or just offputting.
Today's episode discusses the psychology of Chris Rock, his commentary on social issues as well as walking the line of controversy in comedy. Our panel of Shrinks talk about their overall feelings on the comedy special, as well as opening up a further conversation on race relations in America.

"There needs to be a place, and I think comedy is one of the forefronts, where we can use exaggeration, hyperbole, and offense to speak to a larger truth about uncomfortable things that are going on in our world."
–Jonathan Hetterly, LPC

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Being Human
In our Being Human segment, the Shrink Tank Podcast panelists discuss what does are thinking and how they are able to communicate with people. In a study from Yale University's Canine Cognition Center, dogs are found to be better problem solvers than small children. These studies also explored the bond between humans and their dogs, as well as the findings that dogs can truly love an individual.

Doctor's Orders
In our Doctor's Orders segment, the Shrink Tank Podcast panelists give their weekly recommendations. Check them out below:


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Join our Shrink Tank podcast contributors Dave Verhaagen, Emma Kate Wright, Frank Gaskill, and  Jonathan Hetterly as they discuss this week's trending topic.
Need a longer session with the Shrinks? Check out our last episode here.