No BS Agency Podcast

No BS Agency Podcast

EP 138: [Money Talk] Five Money Mindset Issues That Will Stop You From Growing Your Business

April 06, 2023

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Born on third, thought they hit a triple?”

It refers to somebody who was born into wealth or privilege, or has some sort of advantage over other people, but they don’t recognize it. They think they got where they are on their own.

Or have you ever admired somebody’s success in business only to find out they had a partner who had a successful corporate executive job, or because they came from wealth and they had a trust fund to support them while they grew their business?

You might feel a little cheated and think that it had to have been so much easier for them to do all of the things that you’re trying to do with so much less.

Yes, some people do have a competitive advantage.

But there is one competitive advantage that you can absolutely do something about.

Your money mindset.

Everyone's got money mindset issues, whether they own a small business or not. But there are specific money mindset issues that plague small agency owners and these can be the difference between growing with ease and profit and staying stuck exactly where you are. 

Tune into this episode to hear:

  • How a scarcity mindset impacts the choices you make for your business
  • Why you have to stop thinking about your income like it’s a salary
  • Why you can’t wait to invest in your business, and it might mean borrowing money to do it
  • How short-term thinking about money leads to devaluing your time and stalling your growth
  • Why you have to get over your fear of digging into your numbers

