No BS Agency Podcast

No BS Agency Podcast

Ep. 137: [Finding Leads] Amanda Dahler on The Most Effective Way To Do Lead Generation

March 30, 2023

Amanda Dahler has been a student of mine who has had so much success implementing the program that she’s now helping me scale No BS Mastery!

She’s especially good at lead generation and finding new business. That’s why I have her on the show to wrap up our month-long conversation around lead generation.

Amanda Dahler is the founder of Outspoke Design. She is an audience experience architect and communication expert who specializes in engaging events and experiences. She uses brand, experience, and visual design to create awesome audience content for transformative coaches, consultants, and leaders. Her services amplify the power of your work, increase your credibility, give your audience an unforgettable experience, and grow your business.

Tune into this episode to hear:

  • Why Amanda believes that direct communication is the most effective way to bring in clients
  • How Amanda reframes sales calls to make them way more comfortable and a lot less salesy
  • The keys to approaching conversations with potential clients
  • The whiteboard system Amanda used to keep her revenue on track when she was starting her business

Learn more about Amanda Dahler:

