No BS Agency Podcast

No BS Agency Podcast

Ep 131: [Client Love] A Communication Framework That Fosters Trust and Eliminates BS

February 16, 2023

Last week I talked about the importance of building trust with your clients in order to have a great client relationship.

If you're in a relationship or you've ever been in a long-term relationship, you know that communication is key to having great relationships with people. Now, that might be true with a spouse, but it's true with anybody in your life, and it's definitely true with clients.

So today I want to share a really simple framework that you can use with all of your communication with clients to ensure a great outcome at every step, and so that you don't waste time with all the things that can happen when communication goes astray.

Tune into this episode to hear:

  • Why having to refer to the contract means you’re not communicating effectively
  • How using “bookends” brings clarity to every client conversation
  • Why it’s important for a client to have the next steps clearly written out

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