No BS Agency Podcast

No BS Agency Podcast

Ep 100: The Evolution of a Business

May 19, 2022

Have you ever struggled to make decisions about your business?

Whether it’s investing in your business, crafting your messaging, focusing your niche, or packaging your services, business owners are faced with a ton of decisions.

And it can be easy to get stuck thinking, “if I knew it would work, I would…” 

You worry about it not working, or changing your mind, or getting pigeonholed.

For our  hundredth episode, I want to talk about why those worries shouldn’t keep you from making decisions, because guess what? Your business can and will change.

My business–and this podcast–have changed dramatically over the last two years. And in the two years before that. And the two years before that.

So if business is continuously changing, how do you plan things? How do you decide what to focus on?

That's what I want to talk about today.

Tune into this episode to hear:

  • How doing intensives supported us while we went through multiple versions of the business
  • Why it’s worth it to invest in your business, even when money is tight
  • How all of the pivots add up to the experiences that help you create the business you want

Learn more about Pia: 
