No BS Agency Podcast

No BS Agency Podcast

Ep 161: Keys to Eliminating Revisions: Present All Your Work Live

September 14, 2023

One of the core tenets of the No BS Model is delivering projects in an intensive model.

If you’ve worked the traditional way, you’re used to doing an entire brand and website over the course of three months, six months, sometimes over a year and the No BS Model gets that timeline down to just a couple of days.

How do you possibly do this and still be effective, deliver high value, and have clients who are happy with a truly custom brand and website that they can be proud of?

You have to cut one of the biggest pieces of BS from the traditional model: revisions.

This month, I want to talk about the different ways the No BS Model almost entirely eliminates revisions and how we get clients to say yes on the spot to entire brands and websites.

If you’re used to running your projects the traditional way, you’re probably pretty suspicious right now. But I promise you, it works, and I’m going to break down how we not only get clients to say yes, but to do it happily.

In this episode, we focus on the first key: presenting your entire work live.

Tune into this episode to hear:

  • Three key concepts that you need to nail down to eliminate revisions
  • Why you shouldn’t send work over email
  • How to lead your client through the work live so that they say yes
  • One of the big reasons why clients come back with revisions, and how presenting live avoids it

