No BS Agency Podcast

No BS Agency Podcast

Ep 152: On Selling Premium Services

July 13, 2023

The experience of the seller when selling low-priced services may be different from their experience when selling high-priced services.

But from the buyer’s perspective, it requires the same thing: Trust.

This is why the Lead Product is the best first step to let the buyer experience your authority, process and solution to their problem. When the Lead Product experience is done right, you’ll be able to guide them to see that you’re the person they’d want to hire. 

Today, I want to talk about what it takes to convert your Lead Product clients to your premium-priced service. And not just saying yes, but saying yes without pushback.

Tune into this episode to hear:

  • How lack of trust drives pushback in the traditional proposal process and how the lead product process builds that trust
  • How asking thoughtful questions and really listening in the interview call builds trust
  • Why a clear, concise brief makes it easier for clients to sign on for premium services

