Talking Real Money - Investing Talk

Talking Real Money - Investing Talk

Latest Episodes

Typical Investing?
September 16, 2024

We want to know what to expect from our investments.

Tom and Roxy Q
September 13, 2024

Roxy and Tom take on written questions.

Still Make Cents?
September 12, 2024

Why does the US still use pennies?

Invest in Elections?
September 11, 2024

Should elections be investable?

High Yield's Price
September 10, 2024

You can't have high yields with safety.

Election Effects
September 09, 2024

The election is just one example of financial biases.

A (Very) Few Qs
September 06, 2024

Don takes a few of your questions.

High Return Dangers
September 05, 2024

They promise impossibly high returns with low risk.

Reached the TIPping Point
September 04, 2024

Where do we draw the line on tipping?

Your "Magic" Number?
September 03, 2024

How much money do you need to retire?