Short Talk Bulletin

Short Talk Bulletin

Latest Episodes

Freemasonry And Religion ARE Compatible V67N11
November 16, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by RW Bro Forrest Haggard, PGCh KS, and is brought to us by VWBro David Koncz, PM United #8, Brunswick ME. For much of the history of

Albert Gallatin Mackey V14N2
November 13, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by MW Bro Carl Claudy, and is brought to us by MW Bro Russ Charvonia, PGM CA. Of all the brothers who have gained renown in our gentle

The Doolittle Pictures V14N9
November 09, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by MW Bro Carl Claudy, and is brought to us by WBro John Rock, Solar Star #14, Bath ME. The pictures which illustrate the emblems of the

Inspiration V51N11
November 06, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by MW Bro Bro Conrad Hahn, PES MSANA, and is brought to us by MW Bro Russ Charvonia, PGM CA. These are remarks that Bro Hahn made at

David Bushnell, Father Of The Submarine V54N8
November 02, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode is by an unknown author, and is brought to us by WBro John Rock, PM Solar #14, Bath ME. While certainly a Revolutionary War patriot, David Bushnell

Sages Seers And Spooks V66N12
October 30, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by MW Bro Stuart Minor, PGM MD, and is brought to us by WBro John Rock, Solar Star #14, Bath ME. We are bombarded by information on a d

Masonic Leadership V95N7
October 26, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by Bro Pat Hart and first published in July 2017. We may serve our gentle Craft in positions of leadership, from Deacons and Wardens thro

Tolerance V95N#
October 23, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written and is brought to us by Bro Phil Pearce, Dallas #182 GA, originally published in the Rhode Island Freemason. We can all agree that Freema

A Response To Critics Of Freemasonry V72N11
October 19, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was prepared by the Masonic Information Center, and is brought to us by VW Bro David Koncz, Master United #8, Maine. Religious extremism in todays

Bringing Peace To A Troubled World V93N10
October 16, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin was written and is brought to us by Bro S. Joseph Esshagian, PGO CA. This Short Talk was originally presented to an assemblage of Masons of all faiths and persuasi