Short Talk Bulletin

Short Talk Bulletin

Latest Episodes

Investing In Freemasonry V79N5
March 08, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by WBro Richard H. Curtiss, PM Good Samaritan Lodge, Reading MA and Editor Northern Light, and is brought to us by WBro David Koncz,

Preserving Our Heritage V74N11
March 06, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by RW Bro Ralph B. Duncan, PDDGM 11th MA, and is brought to us by WBro David Koncz, PM United #8, ME. The American Heritage Dictionar

Our Masonic Purpose V101N3
March 02, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written and is brought to us by MW Bro Walter MacDougal, PM Piscataquis #44 and PGM Maine. This STB was originally published in June of 1965,

The Seven Liberal Arts And Sciences V22N5
February 27, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by MW Bro Carl Claudy, first published in May 1944. I am feeling compelled to visit this excellent Short Talk because tonight I am partic

Report ON The George Washington Memorial V95N2
February 22, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by Bro George D. Seggers, Executive Secretary George Washington National Masonic Memorial, first published in February 2017. This episode

Origin Of The Knights Templar V78N6
February 20, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by MW Bro Stuart Minor, PGM VA, and was first published in June 2000. Masons are familiar with the question, Whence came you? For the

Praying In Lodge V77N10
February 16, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by Bro Gary Lessiur, Clarkston #492, Clarkston GA, and is brought to us by VW Bro David Koncz, PM United #8, Brunswick ME. There are se

The Captain And His Lady V45N9
February 13, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by WBro Walter M. Calloway, and is brought to us by MW Ill Bro Claire Tusch, PGM ME. Here we find the story of MW Bro Ralph J. Pollard,

The Regular Freemason V73N3
February 09, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by Bro Mikhail L. Broadski, and is brought to us by VW Bro David Koncz, PM United #8, Brunswick ME. As Freemasons, who are we? Not the

From Craft To Tolerance V66N5
February 06, 2023

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by Bro M. B. S. Higgam, PGS UGLE, and is brought to us by VW Bro David Koncz, PM United #8, Brunswick ME. Our gentle craft has underg