Short Talk Bulletin

Short Talk Bulletin

The Captain And His Lady V45N9

February 11, 2021

Brethren, this Short Talk Bulletin Podcast episode was written by WBro Walter M. Calloway, Jr., PM – Oakland #373, Atlanta GA, and is brought to us by MW Ill Bro Clair Tusch, 33rd, PGM – Maine. If ever there was a story of Masonry that is appropriate for Valentine’s Day, this would be it. This is the story of Hon MW Bro Ralph J. Pollard and his wife, muse, and trusted assistant Milwee Westmoreland Pollard. It is worth the time of all Masons everywhere to consider the qualities exemplified by this couple, to whom the Craft owes a tremendous debt of gratitude. Enjoy, and do share this and all of these Podcast episodes with your brothers and your Lodge.