The Scalable Freedom Show

Re-cast: Making Abundant Decisions When Business Isn’t Going Well
I'm re-sharing another one of my most popular episodes today and I know this is going to serve you no matter where you're at in business right now.
We all have challenging seasons in business so this episode is all about how to navigate those times and still make decisions from a place of abundance when you're in the thick of it.
Whether you've heard this one already or this is your first time, I believe this is really pertinent to anyone in business right now. Enjoy...
It’s launch season again! If you’re like 99% of my clients, you’re likely in the thick of a launch or a scale in some way right now. We tend to find that February to May is a busy season in business each year, and so I wanted to address something that every business owner should know more about: making abundant decisions when business isn’t going so well.
Every entrepreneur faces challenging seasons at some stage in business. There are failed launches, low sales and generally just difficult moments in their business journey. And while it’s easy to sink down into the fear, I believe experiencing so-called failures is often the thing that propels you forward most in your business so you can course-correct to your biggest months, growth and biggest scale.
Today, I share with you the step-by-step process I use to help navigate these situations and make decisions that support growth, abundance and long-term success.
Sitting in the Shit
Give yourself the space to sit in the negative feelings for a moment. It's okay to acknowledge and feel the disappointment, frustration or fear that comes with a challenging situation. Toxic positivity would tell us to override those emotions in our body, however that doesn't help us move forward. We need to embrace and process our feelings to make room for growth and abundance.
Coming back to Gratitude
Once we've sat with our emotions, it's time to recalibrate back to the frequency of gratitude. Gratitude is the highest frequency we can be in when it comes to decision making and creating abundance. By shifting our focus to gratitude, we tap into our power and gain a fresh perspective that supports making decisions from a place of abundance.
Recommit to Your Goals
It’s now time to re-anchor ourselves to our goals. Sometimes, a disappointing situation can make us doubt our capabilities or question the viability of our goals. But by staying focused on our goals and recommitting to them, we reaffirm that we're still in the game. We must remind ourselves of our power and take the necessary steps to show up for what we want to achieve.
Taking Aligned Action
Finally, we need to take action based on our goals and the frequency we've recalibrated to, rather than being driven by the negative stories we tell ourselves. Making decisions rooted in scarcity or protection only hinders our growth and expansion. Instead, we need to trust ourselves, take risks and move forward despite the discomfort.
I encourage you to bookmark this episode for the next time you're going through any kind of challenge and need something to come back to that feels grounding and stabilising.
Remember, when times get tough, stay anchored to your vision and keep going despite the fear - I promise you’ll come out the other side stronger and more capable of growing your business than ever!
Resources mentioned: FREE Masterclass
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