The Scalable Freedom Show

The Scalable Freedom Show

My Money Story and How I've Upgraded My Money Mindset

February 20, 2024

Money mindset is a topic that has been coming up a lot in discussion with my clients lately so I thought it would be valuable to share my personal money story with you today. Over the years I have learned so many valuable lessons and have uplevelled in ways that I never thought were possible. I can honestly say from this place of abundance and freedom, that I know this level of expansion is possible for you too. 

Scarcity and Lack

Growing up, my parents were small business owners, and, as is the way with us all, their experiences shaped my earliest lessons about money. While I attribute a lot of entrepreneurial mindset to my dad in particular, I remember there being a lot of scarcity and stress around not having enough money. 

Shifting Mindsets and Chasing Income Goals

As I grew older, my mindset around money gradually shifted. I set income goals for myself and worked my way up in corporate to reach my ultimate goal of $100k a year. But deep down, I didn't believe that an abundance of money was possible for someone like me.

Discovering the World of Coaching

One of the biggest money mindset shifts I experienced was when I discovered the world of coaching. Seeing other women earn money by helping others create exceptional lives inspired me so much. For me, it wasn’t about the money itself, but knowing that I could make a difference in people's lives got me hooked. 

Feeling unfulfilled in my corporate job, I moved into the coaching space with the initial goal to replace my six-figure corporate income. This is when I started educating myself about money management and investing, and Chay has also played a big role in challenging my mindset in this space. 

As my business grew and I earned more and more money, I had to shift my mindset to embrace abundance and learn how to hold that level of income. I’ve taken calculated risks but I also prioritise safety, aligning my financial decisions with the things that are most important to me. 

I really hope this episode is of value to you. I always appreciate it when other business owners talk openly about their money stories and hope that my story inspires and empowers you to upgrade your own money mindset. 

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