Shindig Radio

Shindig Radio

Duck, You Sucker! It’s Title Tracks Pt. 5

June 08, 2022

The Shindig Radio gang finally returns, and regionally specific fan favorite, Kyle Sullivan, is returning along with 'em!

Join him as he joins Graham C. Schofield and Mikey Rotella to endure more Horror Movie Title Tracks of dubious quality.

Laugh, You Clown! as you hear them hear songs from genre classics like 1973's Arnold, Mexico's Don't Panic! and Alan Plone's The Phantom of the Ritz!

Marvel, You Rube! as they reference events from almost one full calendar year ago, like Matt Mastrella's 43nd birthday and the passing of film legend William Smith.

Recoil, You Pussy! as they eat dusty skillet chips and scratch dry shit!

Duck, You Sucker! It's Title Tracks Pt. 5!