Shift The Story Podcast
Not A Twenty Chipmunk Problem-STS104-Beca Lewis
For a long time I excused them by saying, “But they are so cute. And they keep the mouse and shrew population down.” For anyone not living in shrew territory. It’s not a harsh term for an angry woman, I am talking about those little buggers that dig in your garden. If you actually see one (they are very elusive) they look like a big mouse.
However, after awhile, their cuteness and usefulness was not making up for the fact that they were everywhere. They ran in and out of the garage, ate the bird seed that fell to the ground, and dug so many holes it looked like a giant with spiked golf shoes walked through it.
Still, I said, “They are so cute,” while muttering under my breath that I had to get rid of them. But, by then there were so many I had no idea what to do so I did nothing. I just kept saying, “But they are so cute!”
My particular problem really was cute. Many problems aren’t but I think what happened can be applied to any problem that has appeared to have grown out of control.
Listen to the podcast to hear what happened next and how it applies to all problems…
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Show Notes – Episode #104
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