She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Latest Episodes

Five ways to get yourself booked on a podcast, while also building your brand and your influence! (Episode 223)
December 09, 2022

Title: Five ways to get yourself booked on a podcast, and how doing so can help build your brand and your influence! (Episode 223) THIS WEEKS TOPIC: Developing your expertise and your credibility

“How to build grit & entrepreneurial muscle with “failure rich” jobs! – Episode 222
December 02, 2022

SHOW NOTES Title: How to build grit & entrepreneurial muscle with failure rich jobs!Episode 222 Guest: Julie Schechter THIS WEEKS TOPIC: Connection is an important and powerful component needed t

BONUS! Why your investment in self-care is about more than YOU! Episode 221
November 25, 2022

SHOW NOTES BONUS Ep 221 with author Kari Kampakis TITLE: BONUS! Why your investment in self-care is about more than YOU! Episode 221 THIS WEEKS TOPIC: We get so many mixed messages about self-car

How to boost your holiday mood using gratitude & the power of story! Episode 220
November 19, 2022

Title: How to boost your holiday mood using gratitude and the power of story! Episode 220 THIS WEEKS TOPIC: We often put so much pressure on ourselves to create the perfect holiday experiences. Tha

Perfect? Or happy? Why perfectionism sucks the life & happiness out of YOU (Episode 219)
November 11, 2022

Episode 219 (part 2 of 2) Title: Perfect? Or happy? Why perfection can suck the life and happiness right out of you Guest: Karith Foster THIS WEEKS TOPIC: Shifting our mindset, and reframing the sto

How to say “yes,” use humor, and keep perfection in check! Episode 218
November 05, 2022

Show Notes Episode 218 Part 1 of 2 Guest: Karith Foster Title: How to say yes, use humor, and keep perfection in check THIS WEEKS TOPIC: Ever have self-doubt and perfectionist tendencies keep you

“Seven ways to harness your fear through story” – Episode 217
October 28, 2022

Title: Seven ways to harness your fear using the power of story, Episode 217 THIS WEEKS TOPIC: Fear can be crippling when we dont understand it, or havent learned the best ways to manage it. Whil

How a problem solving framework for lawyers can help YOU build more influence! Episode 216
October 22, 2022

Episode 216: How a problem solving framework for lawyers can help YOU build more influence! THIS WEEKS TOPIC: There is tremendous value in developing and fine tuning problem solving skills. What m

Three ways to build influence needed to THRIVE! Episode 215
October 15, 2022

SHOW NOTES Episode 215: Three ways to build influence needed to THRIVE THIS WEEKS TOPIC: This weeks topic was inspired by a thought-provoking conference I attended last week that was hosted by The

“How to design your life for more meaning and more tranquility” Episode 214 Part 2 of 2
October 08, 2022

Title: How to design your life for more meaning and more tranquility Episode 214 Part 2 of 2 GUEST: Laura Vanderkam, time management and productivity expert THIS WEEKS TOPIC: Ever feel like your to